New York, NY…Kashrus agencies and certifying rabbis will gather for the annual AKO (Association of Kashrus Organizations) Convention on November 15th at the headquarters of the Orthodox Union in Lower Manhattan. According to Rabbi Sholem Fishbane, Exceutive Director of AKO, this year’s annual event is expected to draw well over 100 participants from all parts of the globe. These conventions are well-known for some of the important discussions about the latest development in kashrus. This year, will be no exception, according to Rabbi Fishbane, as the Convention will cover a broad range of kashrus issues, including technology. One session will deal with new solutions for Shabbos observers in the kitchen including automated functions that are triggered to avoid complex issues on the Shabbos. Many rabbis involved in kashrus certification were in New York last week for the annual conference of thousands of emissaries involved in the worldwide Chabad organization.